
What will they write of you, in the years that follow your life?

Will they speak of you as one who loved, fiercely, even those who did not earn or deserve your adoration?

It is easy, after all, to love your dear ones. But did you also hold your enemy in your heart, and wish him no ill, even as you steered your bright light away from his faltering one? Did you forgive his lies, leaving no harm behind you?

Will they remember you as an artist? A creator?

Did you use your time to turn your energy into a living, breathing masterpiece? Did you hold magic between nimble fingers, turning it over and over until the words tumbled freely from them? I hope you drew, and painted, and sculpted, to bring the vivid stardust of your imagination to life. The world longs to see the workings of your heart.

Perhaps they will explore your courage?

Your willingness to face the difficulties of life, and to create comfort in your own arms, instead of always searching for someone else to make it right for you. They will know you had the hard conversations, made the tough decisions, and worked through the darkness that sometimes seeks you still. They will know you survived it, despite how very close you sailed to the edge.

Do you hope that they capture the explorer in you?

The adventurer of the unknown. The seeker of sand through bare toes. The you that pushes through leafy forests to find the hidden peace lingering silently inside. The you that laughs gently as local kids tug softly at your side, unable to speak with you, except through the language of our hearts.

What will they write, then, of all of your tomorrows? And how will you live them to make a story worth telling? 



Author: JoJo Rowden
Image: Author’s Own
Editor: Emily Bartran
Copy Editor: Nicole Cameron

Originally published on Elephant Journal

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