“OMG JoJo, I have tears in my eyes. I love it! I feel like you are looking right into our souls with your words- they feel so right! Thank You!”
(Custom Wedding Reading)
“OMG JoJo, I have tears in my eyes. I love it! I feel like you are looking right into our souls with your words- they feel so right! Thank You!”
(Custom Wedding Reading)
“Hey JoJo, I’m sure you get this all the time…..but your last piece “I want to know you” on elephant journal was so picture perfectly moving. Your writing made such a huge impact on both my fiance and I, at the exact right time and the exact right place.
But to put it simply–THANK YOU for writing that, I can’t tell you what it meant to both her and I, and although we have never met- we would relish in the opportunity to thank you in person at our wedding.”
(Feedback via my Facebook Writers Page)
“I read your “she’ll meet you where the wild things are” article on Elephant and I cannot tell you how powerful it was for me. My Mother passed away suddenly in her sleep a few days ago and that entire piece of writing described her. I was so moved by that piece that I have decided that excerpts from it will be on her mass cards. I just wanted you to know how powerful your words were for me and how much I appreciate that you wrote them…and I found them. Thank you.”
(Feedback via my Facebook Writers Page)
“I read She’ll Meet you Where the Wild Things Are, and it was like you had crawled inside of my soul and taken notes on it. Seriously. It was beautiful, and I am captivated.”
(Feedback via my Facebook Writers Page)
“I wanted you to know that I truly enjoyed reading your poems. You have magic in you that you convey with words. You have touched me deeply. I wanted to thank you.”
(Feedback via my Facebook Writers Page)
“Your writing gives me goose bumps every damn time. Thank you.”
(Feedback via my Facebook Writers Page)
“The Crush is amazing. I’ve read it several times. It doesn’t matter what place in life or one’s age. Reading it is like looking at a picture moving through that time when you loved and lived to love. Again, beautifully done and thanks! I’ll watch for more….”
(Feedback via my Facebook Writers Page)
“Jojo! I am a radio DJ in Montreal. I have just blitzed through your writings….. I can honestly say you are one of the most beautiful writers I have ever encountered “I want to know you” literally took my breath away. I hope you get picked up immediately by a publisher! You should be writing many books and screenplays! I have blogs but girl you have raised the bar! Blessings from Montreal xox.”
(Feedback via my Facebook Writers Page)